Frequently asked questions
In this section you will find answers to some of the questions we receive most often.
If you do not find the answer you are looking for please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.
I'm thinking of starting a business but do not have the time or means to find business premise, architect, builder, do the administrative formalities for obtaining permits and licenses, etc.
What ONZ can do?
Answer ONZ
If you have an idea, ONZ make it happen. Invest your time as you like and let us handle everything. We offer a comprehensive service, type "turnkey" so you just have to decide when you want to open your business.
I want to buy, sell or rent a home or building. I've seen several ones but I have doubts about quality, finishes, aspect, opportunities for improvement...
Why hire an architect?
Answer ONZ
Possibly this will be one of the most important investments of your life. Our team will guide you professionally, transparently, without surprises and really invest safely. We will accompany you to visit the properties you like and we will give you an impartial report of each one to choose the best.
I own a land (site, plot, field, etc.) and want to know the building possibilities, both technical and administrative, and whether currently is it worth making some kind of intervention.
Answer ONZ
In ONZ you will be advised by professionals. We will analyse your case and make a study to provide the most profitable use, we will study closely all possibilities and we will guide you on current market opportunities.